The Resurrection

2038_anastasisThe resurrected Christ stands in the light flooding down from above, over the abyss of darkness, where the shattered doors and hinges are still visible. The first people Christ liberates from limbo are the forefathers and Kings of the Old Testament, who stand behind him, together with Eve. Finally, Christ pulls out Adam into the light of mercy. Above, angels soar with the Cross and instruments of torture in their hands.

Size: 28 x 35 cm.

The Archangel Michael

1038a_michaelIt is very likely that this icon forms part of a Deesis. The title ‘Supreme Leader of the Heavenly Host’ refers to the rank of the archangel in the celestial hierarchy. The cryptogram on the globe has been deciphered and means ‘Christ the righteous Judge’. The painting is typical of the Byzantine style, the effect of depth and light on the shapes being achieved using a network of fine white lines.

Size: 27 x 35 cm.

Mother of God Grusinskaya

The Grusinskaya in mirror image is virtually identical to the Jerusalimskaya Mother of God. A Byzantine copy of the latter probably found its way to Georgia, where it was called the Georgian or Iberian Mother of God. The oldest Grusinskaya dates from around 1360, shortly after which it came to Moscow where the replicas were as much loved as in Georgia.

Size: 21 x 26 cm.

Saint Nicholas

icoon071_vSaint Nicholas the miracle-worker from the Palech school. Saint Nicholas is depicted in all his finery. With his right hand he makes a gesture of blessing, and in his left hand he holds the Book of the Gospels. He is the patron saint of seamen, but also of the family and children.

Size: 25 x 30 cm.

Archangel Michael

icoon079_vIt is very likely that this icon forms part of a Deesis. The title ‘Supreme Leader of the Heavenly Host’ indicates the rank of the archangel in the celestial hierarchy. The cryptogram on the globe has been deciphered and means ‘Christ the righteous judge’. The painting is typical of the Byzantine style, with the effect of depth and the light on the shapes using a network of fine white lines.

Size: 27 x 35 cm.

The Entry into Jerusalem

icoon080_vIn the centre of this icon, Christ is riding on a colt* to Jerusalem. The apostles, led by Peter, follow their Lord. In the foreground children are spreading clothes and branches on the ground. The branches are taken from the trees in the centre. To the right, the citizens of Jerusalem come to greet Christ. This is described in John 12:12-15, Matthew 21:1-11 and Luke 19:28-40. (*Matthew and John describe Jesus riding on an ass, Luke uses the word colt, which is a young horse)

Size: 27 x 34 cm.

Saint Catherine

icoon073_vSaint Catherine is depicted in royal robes, with books and measuring instruments. The wheel is a symbol of the torment before her beheading. The cross and palm branch are references to her martyrdom. Saint Catherine’s monastery in the Sinai is named after her and according to the tradition her corpse was brought to this monastery from Alexandria.

Size: 27 x 35 cm.


icoon077_vThis is originally a Byzantine composition, with Christ in judgement flanked by Mary and John the Baptist or forerunner. In the centre is Pantokrator, who will judge mankind at the end of time. Mary and John the Baptist mediate for a merciful judgement. John the Baptist as representative of the Old Testament and Maria as the representative of the New Testament.

Size: 27 x 35 cm

Archangel Michael

icoon078_vThis icon comes from the Novgorod school and differs from the traditional type that is usually depicted with a frontal aspect. He is referred to several times in the book of Daniel (Chapters 10 verse 21 and 12 verse 1). The name is derived from the Hebrew word jakal which means ‘to overcome’or ‘to be the strongest’.

Size: 27 x 35 cm

Christ, King of Kings

icoon076_vOn a magnificent throne, surrounded by the symbols of the four evangelists, sits Christ in the robes of a High Priest and a precious crown on his head as King of Kings, blessing the believers. The text on the open pages of the Book of the Gospel reads: ‘My kingdom is not of this world, take, eat, this is my body, drink, this is my blood that was shed for you, do this in remembrance of me’.

Size: 27 x 35 cm